Several of our HonesThespian readers have written to the Expert Panel with questions regarding finding or “getting into” your character whether preparing for an audition or performance. The Expert Panel weighs in on such queries this week.

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How I prepare for a performance is very similar to how I prepare for an audition monologue, I think of my moment before. I try to get in the head of my character. Live her life, think her thoughts and really delve into her everyday process. I do a lot of research and background work during the rehearsal process so, when it comes time for performances, I channel all those thoughts and feelings. I also like to warm-up my body before a show. Having my breath and mind aligned clears my head and prepares me to have a great performance.

I try to always run my entire show in my head before I get onstage. It refreshes the dialogue, blocking and character work. As for auditions, that’s often tough as you have very little time to fully create a character. The best things to do to insure success are make a strong choice, take a risk and absolutely take direction and make adjustments when asked to do so.

For an audition, I just have to remember to be myself and make strong choices without getting taken over by the character completely. In an audition setting you want to have a clear vision of the character, but also showcase that you aren’t so set in your ways you can’t take direction. Before a performance, I usually listen to music as I’m doing my makeup and putting my costume on. Then once we have gotten 5 minutes before places, I find a quiet spot to really think through the show and let myself transform into who I need to be.


Expert Panel Stage Sightings:

Catch Matthew McGee in American Stage’s In The Park production of The Producers, running through May 13th.

Don’t miss Josh Hayes in Happy Days the musical at the Palace Theater in the Wisconsin Dells, running through June 10th.

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